Full Circle Martial Arts Federation is composed of a small group of martial arts heads of family who have developed this organization to create and support an environment committed to the pursuit of excellence in the martial arts based on the organization’s core values of quality, integrity, accountability, and humility.


We seek to partner with all interested parties in an effort to better the martial arts and students of those arts.  Our organization represents a diversity of martial arts styles ranging from soft, passive, and internal to hard, aggressive, and external, including healing arts.  Cross-training facilitates understanding in the arts.


As instructors in the martial arts, we learn from our students in an open-minded, respectful, productive, and family-oriented atmosphere while maintaining the highest levels of discipline and tradition. We teach to learn, and in this way, we come full circle.

From left to right: Walker Plank, Mitch Selhorst, Kurt Steinke, Alanna Steinke, Bob MortensenNot pictured: Dan Saneholtz, Scott Stewart

From left to right: Walker Plank, Mitch Selhorst, Kurt Steinke, Alanna Steinke, Bob Mortensen

Not pictured: Dan Saneholtz, Scott Stewart